
Gewijzigd op Do, 26 Okt, 2023 om 12:33 PM

Reviews can be read for one training or an entire institute.

Available Methods

GET /institutes/:id/reviews.xmlGet reviews for an institute
GET /trainings/:id/reviews.xmlGet reviews for a training

For educational providers:

If you want to show your reviews or an average of the reviews on your website, you can just copy paste our Review Widget code. If you want to create a custom widget this is possible too. You can use the Review Endpoint (and perhaps the Springest_id for institutes with imports from our trainings endpoint) to get all the data.

Conditions for creating a custom review widget:

Note: As of 2020 it is not possible to POST reviews directly to our reviews endpoint. You can use the Review Request flow for this. Below information is purely for reference.

For requesting an API key, sending the data agreement file or questions please contact [email protected]

DISABLED: Create a review for an institute

Request:  POST /institutes/:id/reviews.xml?api_key=YOURAPIKEY

DISABLED: Here is an example of how to do a single post request to add a review to Springest:

curl -k --data "review[training_id]=951&review[description]=SOME TEXT&review[course_completed_at]='2014-01-12'&review[rating]=8&review[author_name]=Detmar&review[created_at]='2014-02-01'&review[author_email][email protected]" "***


review[training_name]StringThe name of the training the review is aboutoptional  
review[training_id]IntegerThe ID of the training in SpringestRequired if no training_name
review[description]StringThe written content of the trainingRequired (minimum 30 words)
review[anonymous_review]BooleanTrue if the reviewer wishes to remain anonymous, false otherwiseOptional
review[ip_address]Ipv4IP address of the reviewer at the time the review was createdOptional
review[created_at]StringThe date the review was created on in iso8601 formatRequired
review[course_completed_at] StringThe date the course was completed (month and year are used)Required
review[rating]IntegerA rating between 1 and 10 for the trainingRequired
review[author_email]StringThe reviewers email addressRequired
review[author_name]StringThe reviewer's name (will be hidden if anonymous)Required
review[source]StringThe company that is sending us the reviewOptional

DISABLED: Create a review for a training

Request:  POST /trainings/:id/reviews.xml?api_key=YOURAPIKEY


review[description]StringThe written content of the trainingRequired (minimum 30 words) 
review[anonymous_review]BooleanTrue if the reviewer wishes to remain anonymous, false otherwiseOptional
review[ip_address]BooleanIP address of the reviewer at the time the review was createdOptional
review[created_at]StringThe date the review was created on in iso8601 formatRequired
review[course_completed_at] StringThe date the course was completed (month and year are used)Required
review[rating]IntegerA rating between 1 and 10 for the trainingRequired
review[author_email]StringThe reviewers email addressRequired
review[author_name]StringThe reviewer's name (will be hidden if anonymous)Required
review[source]StringThe company that is sending us the reviewOptional 

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