Introduction to the Springest API

Gewijzigd op Do, 12 Okt, 2023 om 12:28 PM

The Springest API is a REST-ful API. This documentation will explain you how you can communicate with it. If you have any problems or requests, please do contact us.

We've written some example scripts in PHP and Ruby in case you find it hard to get started. It's very basic though :)


For each country that we operate in, our API is accessed through a different host. You'll need a separate API key for each host.

CountryHost address
Go Customer
United Kingdom
Belgium (Flanders)

End points

Products - courses, training, elearning and associated dataInstitutes - data on education providers 
Categories - the main ~20 categories Springest is categorised inSubjects - ~1000 specific subjects Springest is divided in
Reviews - ratings and reviews per course or instituteConversions - course bookings and information requests for providers
LearnMatch job / article matching - our "magic" matching API that returns relevant courses based on your input
Features with limited access:
Bookings - Create bookings in our systemCancel bookings - cancel bookings made in our system
Webhooks for Trainings End point - Use webhooks to get latest updates per site

Supported data formats

We provide both XML and JSON formatted data. Pick your preferred output format by changing the extension of your request to either .xml or .json.For brevity we've used only XML output in the examples in this documentation

Response status codes

While using our API you can encounter the following response status codes:

200 OKThe request was correct
400 Bad RequestYou either tried to request an invalid resource, or used a parameter incorrectly
401 You're not authorizedYou need to supply valid authentication credentials (ie. an API key)
403 ForbiddenYou don't have the right privileges to access this method
404 Not FoundThe resource that you try to reach does not exist
500 Server ErrorSomething went wrong on our side


Authentication is fairly simple with an API key that you can request from us. Please append your API key to every request you make, e.g. GET /trainings/1234.xml?api_key=YOURAPIKEY

Rate limiting

Please be aware that we've capped the amount of requests you can make to our API to 4000 requests per hour.

Access Levels

Not all data is accessible through the API. Additionally, depending on the type of partnership, certain fields will not be accessible.


All the requests that have multiple results are paginated. You can set the page size by adding the size parameter to your request, e.g. to return 12 items per page, make the following request: GET /institutes.xml?size=12&api_key=YOURAPIKEY

You can set the page you need with the offset parameter, e.g. to get the third page of a list of institutes, using a page size of 12 institutes per page, make the following request: GET /institutes.xml?size=12&offset=24&api_key=YOURAPIKEY

 Pagination parameters 
offsetIntegerNox > 00Used to indicate starting point of pagination
sizeIntegerNo1 <= x <= 3010Number of results per page

Documentation conventions

Means text that needs to be replaced by your own data
Means that something is optional

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