Document genereren na afronden leerpad

Gewijzigd op Wo, 29 Mei, 2024 om 10:59 AM

When you are creating a learning track, you have the option to fill in the fields below:

1. If you fill in anything in these fields, that means that we assume that when you complete the learning track, a document need to be created as proof that you completed the learning track. If nothing is filled in here, the feature doesn't work and we assume no document has to be generated. Organisation that work with License to Operate often work with Aanwijzingen. These are documents they generate as proof that an employee has certain skills or completed a track. This is what the feature is developed for. 

2. Fill in the name of the document

3. Fill in the content of the document. This can also be in html. 

Once the learning track is completed a mail is send to the learning track manager that is assigned to the track. If nobody is assigned, there is no fall back address. We also send an email to the user.

To manager:

To employee:

Alternatively, the track manager or site owner can generate the document from the learning track reporting page in the admin:

1. shows the title of the track, 2. is the button you can use to generate the document.

When you hit the button a website is generated:

Because it is a website, you can not print the page. You can save it as a PDF when you select the print option in your browser. As this is a standard browser function we did not make this button.

The document we generate shows:

1. The title that was entered on the learning track creation page.

2. The personal info of the user that completed the learning track. This is pre-filled.

3. The text that was entered on the learning track creation page.

4. The steps that have been completed. This is pre-filled.

5. The dates have to be entered manually.

6. We generate two boxes for signatures and give the option for a third.

Once the document has been filled in and signed, it can be uploaded in the users profile. It is useful to add a step to a learning track that is assigned to the user for this.

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