Using the staging environment

Gewijzigd op Wo, 29 Mei, 2024 om 11:03 AM

We offer the possibility to set up a staging environment to help you test and develop your integrations. Contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss this. Once set up, use the following instructions.

Basic instructions


Your site(s) will be available at the following URLs:

  • Web browser: any access is shielded through a login modal. You will receive a username & password from your contact person at Springest. Single Sign-On (SSO) has disabled in the staging environment, even if your organisation has SSO enabled on your production site.
  • API: you need to pass along the API key you've received from your contact person at Springest.
Uptime duration

Your staging environment will be live for a limited amount of time; not indefinitely. We will aim to make an agreement with you on this before you start using it. In the absence of such an agreement, we do not guarantee uptime and data retention of the staging domain. 

Functionality that is unavailable on the staging environment

  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Email delivery. In our core user flows, email plays a crucial role (for example: approving a booking as a manager). However: in our staging environment, emails are "caught" by Springest, instead of being delivered to your mailbox. Ask your Springest contact to process a particular email for you.

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